Best of 2016

RO: Voi incepe aceasta retrospectiva a anului ce tocmai a trecut prin a spune ca meseria aceasta nu este ca toate celelalte. Am lucrat in mai multe domenii, artistice sau tehnice, ca angajat dar si ca freelancer si pot spune ca a fi fotograf de nunta este ceva cu totul special. Pe masura ce incropeam zilele acestea galeria cu fotografiile de mai jos, am retrait niste momente absolut fantastice, parca am simtit din nou placerea de a fi in atatea si atatea locatii, impreuna cu atat de multi oameni, atat de diversi, insa cu totii extrem de speciali. Sunt oameni de care m-am atasat, fata de care am avut o curiozitate permanenta despre tot ce inseamna viata lor si pentru care am facut de foarte multe ori imposibilul, in situatii dificile, sa realizez fotografiile perfecte.

Chiar daca poate uneori nu pare sau nu doresc sa arat acest lucru, in culisele acestor imagini, in spatele lor exista un zbucium intern foarte mare pentru tot ce inseamna partea de creatie. De aceea mi-as dori sa vizionati galeria de mai jos cu rabdare, pentru ca fiecare fotografie publicata aici merita atentia voastra. Incerc mereu sa fotografiez in locatii inedite si privind aceste imagini nu imi vine sa cred in cate locuri frumoase am putut fi in decursul unui an, cate rasarituri superbe am vazut, cate zeci de apusuri impresionante am surprins, cate mii de zambete s-au indreptat catre mine, cate lacrimi au curs  si cata energie pozitiva m-a inconjurat. In 2017 vom porni intr-o noua aventura, pe care promitem sa o imortalizam, din nou, cel putin la fel de frumos. Vizionare placuta.

EN: I`ll start this “Year in review” by saying this job is unlike any other job. I`ve worked in other areas too, some more on the art side, some more technical, as an employee or as a freelancer and I can say that being a wedding photographer is a one of a kind job. While I was gathering the files for this gallery, it was like living again some fantastic moments, it was like feeling again the pleasure of being in sooo many locations, with so many people, so diverse but so so special. There are people that I got really close with, some of them are my friends now, for which I`ve done (sometimes) the impossible in so many difficult situations for the perfect images.

Even if sometimes I don`t show this thing or it doesn`t seem so, behind the curtains of these pictures there is a permanent and real struggle, the struggle of doing things right and continuously pushing imagination for creation. That`s why I`d like you to just take your time when watching this gallery, because every single picture deserves your attention. I always try to photograph in unique locations and by looking at these pictures, I really can`t believe how many amazing places I`ve seen this year, how many sunshines I`ve witnessed.. Tens of amazing sunsets, thousands of smiles targeted, lots of tears on people`s cheeks, happy tears. I`ve been surrounded by so much positve energy and it`s been amazing. In 2017 we`ll start a new adventure. And we promise, again, that we`ll do the impossible for the perfect pictures.

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